Welcome to this little corner of the internet. Bon mette hopes to be a place that merges the cute with the clever to brighten up any hum-drum day.
who are you?
I am a twenty-something writer living in New York City. Second homes include Boston and Copenhagen.
what does bon mette mean?
It's a play on the French expression "bon mot" which means a witticism (literally: good word). It wasn't the strongest pun on my extremely thorough AWESOME BLOG NAME IDEAS list, but the moment it came, I got the feeling of peace & finality described by expectant parents on baby naming boards. Thus, bon mette was born.
What kind of a name is mette?
It is a Scandinavian (and German) name pronounced mett - a.
so how do you pronounce bon mette?
Bon - met. Puns 100% take priority over my name's pronunciation.
wait, so what is this blog?
A sort of food/diy/rambling misc. scrapbook that I can share with friends and other people around the web. At present, I have hundreds of notes, ideas, pictures, writings, etc. that are collected in a 12+ year old binder that I had creatively titled "iLife." The clippings of everything I've saved--from real estate clippings to wedding magazines from 2004--date back even longer. I needed to modernize.
Also, don't ask why 13-year-old me had wedding magazines. I was admittedly extra as a child.