I am so pleased with how these turned out! I know it's horrible to gush so much, but I couldn't help but take a picture immediately and send it to about 10 different people. In my defense, part of the appeal is that they not only look cute, but that they are so easy to make.
I first thought about doing customized smoking slippers a while ago. It seemed so simple just to glue a patch or applique on a pair of shoes. However, I could never decide exactly which patches to make. I would spend waaaay too long scouring Etsy or Amazon to find to right patch--the kind of long where afternoons are wasted and you almost feel like crying at your lack of success and poor time management. Moreover, I wanted to make around ten different pairs, which would just about kill my closet.
So . . . . I tossed and turned and browsed Etsy even longer before realizing the solution: snaps! I can mix and match, not just with these sugar skull patches but with any number of patches. I currently have an alien and NASA set en route from Russia and the sassy candy hearts from a seller in Mexico. I'm trying my best not to purchase even more in the upcoming month (pineapples! palm trees! comic book emblems!). I will probably fail. But . . .it's just so fun!

-Pair of loafers or smoking slippers (these were $15 from H&M)
-Needle and Thread (optional)
-Applique Patches (I used these)
-1/16th of an inch Bendable wire (I used this)

1.) Measure the center of your smoking slipper and mark it for one half of your snap. Ideally you should sew this. However, since I cannot sew for my life and jabbed myself several times in the process, I used super glue and it has held up strong.

2.) While you let that dry, glue the other half snap onto your applique. Make sure that you glue it in a place so that the patch looks centered on the shoe.
3.) In the meantime, cut small lengths of bendable wire to line the back of the applique. Glue it to the back. You do this so that your patch can bend to fit the curve of your shoe.

4.) Let it all dry for 12 hours. Then, enjoy how lit your shoes are.