These are kind of good where you end up making them twice in three days and secretly plan on a third time once the necessary ingredients are restocked. And I do mean secretly plan because a.) obsession is always slightly embarrassing, and b.) you've decided that you've don't want to share anymore.
You can justify the not sharing by reasoning that these are for your health. Clementines are a great source of vitamin C, and ginger is a superfood. Even when smothered in sugar. Obviously.
Ginger & Chocolate Clementines
Serves: 4-5 people
Time: 1.5 hours
4-5 Clementines
1/2 cup sliced Ginger Root
3/4 cup Sugar + Extra for coating
12 oz. Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
In general terms, this was 4 large clementines, a 2" piece of ginger, and a half bag of chocolate chips. You can also use pre-made crystalized/candied ginger, which is easier but not always available.
1.) Peel you ginger (using a spoon makes it easy) and slice it into thin pieces, either with a mandoline or well honed expert slicing skills.
2.) On a stove top, boil 3/4 of a cup of water mixed with the 3/4 cup of sugar. Bring this to a boil.
3.) Once boiling, add the ginger and bring it down to a simmer for 20 minutes.
4.) After 20 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and place on a wire rack with some paper towel or a tray underneath to catch the drips.
5.) Let the ginger dry for about an hour or so. Then roll it in sugar to coat it well. I used kitchen scissors to cut it up into little pieces, but you can leave it whole if you'd like.
5.) In the meantime, peel the clementines and melt your chocolate by putting it in a microwave safe bowl and cooking it for about 30 seconds at a time.
6.) Once the chocolate is melted, dip your clementines in and place on a tray or plate lined with parchment paper. Make sure that your clementines are dry! Water or juice will seize the chocolate.
7.) Once all clementine slices are coated, sprinkle the ginger on top. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
8.) Enjoy, preferably while watching a good movie and drinking hot chocolate.