This is another project so simple that it should hardly be classified as a DIY, but since I didn't see any other examples on the internet (from an admitted brief search), I thought I would post it nevertheless. Since the palate of my room already had a lot of naturals and whites, the cork board seemed like beige overkill. I debated getting a piece of artful for that pop of color, when I realized I could easily make my cork board that pop I needed and a project was born.
Time: 2.5 hours
Cost: $
Assorted Acrylic Paints
Gold Leaf & Mod Podge (if using)
Painter's Tape
Paint Brushes
1.) Put painter's tape around the outside of your board.
2.) Put on a good podcast or tv show (I believe my choice was The Office) and paint the bulletin board your "canvas" color. I did a simple white.
3.) Add some splashes of color by lightly adding or "blobbing" other paints on top. Since it's abstract, there are very few ways to mess anything up.
4.) If adding gold leaf, add a little bit of glue and then gently put some pieces on top.
5.) Let dry.
6.) Remove painter's tape and be pleased with your new practical piece of art. Ignore your boyfriend who makes fun of you for painting something *ahem* Georgia O'Keefe-esque.
7.) Fail at ignoring said boyfriend by breaking down and adding a little more paint to certain areas.
8.) Let dry once more, and bask in pride at creating something pretty yet practical.

A close up

The finished product (picture is slightly blurry to obscure faces)